## Hey, this is us 👋 ![An illustration showing a variety of differently themed Octocats. Monuments from different cities are indicated in the background like the Space Needle, Berlin Fernsehturm and Transamerica Pyramid.](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3369400/133268513-5bfe2f93-4402-42c9-a403-81c9e86934b6.jpeg) Yes, we are building GitHub on GitHub. In fact, we’ve been doing this since **October 19th, 2007**. That's when we made our first commit. Since then we pushed **over 2.5 million commits**, opened **over 1 million issues**, submitted roughly **650k pull requests** across **4357 repositories** from over **50 countries** 🤯. But that's just us. We are proud to be part of the work of millions of developers, companies and robots across the solar system 🪐. Yes, [Robots](https://github.com/readme/featured/nasa-ingenuity-helicopter)! ### 🍿 An interconnected community The open source community is the 💗 heart of GitHub and fundamental to how we build software today. See for yourself: - [GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors) helped support more than **5k** individuals and projects around the world 🌍 - Open source projects on GitHub received a stunning **218 million** contributions 🚀 in the last year alone - **Every minute** a developer creates a new release 🏄 for a public project on GitHub Now that we are talking about the important things ☝️, are you contributing to open source? Yes? Okay, you rock! 🪨 If not, we can help you get started! Open source software is made by people just like you. Learn more about [how to contribute](https://opensource.guide/). ### 🦦 Contributing to the ecosystem We contribute to the tools 🔧 we rely on to build and run GitHub, while also maintaining 🧙‍♂️ our own open source projects like: - [GitHub CLI](https://github.com/cli/cli) - A command line tool for GitHub. - [Git Large File Storage](https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs) - A git extension for versioning large files. - [Primer](https://github.com/primer/css) - The GitHub design system. ### 👓 Appendix See what's next on our [public roadmap](https://github.com/github/roadmap) ✨ and [let us know](https://github.com/github/feedback) if you have any suggestions 🙇‍♂️. Oh, and by the way, we are always hiring talented, passionate people to [join our team](https://github.com/about/careers) 🙌.
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