◦⸰◦○◦⸰◦◯◦⸰◦○◦⸰◦                                          ◦⸰◦○◦⸰◦◯◦⸰◦○◦⸰◦                                                                              
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

125 lines
4.1 KiB

import bpy
import gpu
import blf
from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader
def RA_modal_Draw(self, context, prefs):
height = bpy.context.region.height
width = bpy.context.region.width
CO = context.object
font_id = 0
#+ text
if CO.RA_Unq_mode == True:
blf.color (font_id,0.9,0.32,0.35,1)
blf.color (font_id,0.85,0.85,0.85,1)
#* Offset
blf.position(font_id, (width/2) - 200, (height/2) - 250, 0)
blf.size(font_id, 20, 60)
blf.draw(font_id, ("{} {}".format("Offset: ",str(round(CO.RA_Offset, 2)))) )
#* Object Selectable
blf.position(font_id, (width/2) + 50, (height/2) - 250, 0)
blf.draw(font_id, ("{} {}".format("Selectable: ",str(CO.RA_Sel_Status))) )
#* Object Number "Count"
blf.position(font_id, (width/2) - 50, (height/2) - 250, 0)
if CO.RA_Unq_mode == True:
blf.color (font_id,0.5,0.5,0.5,1)
blf.color (font_id,0.85,0.85,0.85,1)
blf.draw(font_id, ("{} {}".format("Count: ",str(round(CO.RA_ObjNum, 2)))) )
#* Show/Hide Help
blf.color (font_id,1,1,1,1)
text = "Show/Hide Help 'H'"
blf.position(font_id, (width/2 - blf.dimensions(font_id, text)[0] / 2), (height/2) - 230, 0)
blf.draw(font_id, text)
#* Unique Mode
blf.color (font_id,0.8,0.4,0.0,1)
text = "Unique Mode: "
blf.position(font_id, (width/2 - 84), (height/2) - 270, 0)
blf.draw(font_id, text)
if CO.RA_Unq_mode == True:
blf.color (font_id,0.1,0.94,0.4,1)
unq_text = "Active"
blf.color (font_id,0.6,0.1,0.0,1)
unq_text = "--------"
blf.position(font_id, (width/2 + 34), (height/2) - 270, 0)
blf.draw(font_id, unq_text)
#* Help
blf.color (font_id,0.6,1,0.6,1)
if prefs.modal_help == True:
lines = ["Reset 'R'",
"Apply 'A'",
"Join 'J' ends radial mode and merges all objects",
"Grab 'G'",
"Unique Mode 'Q' unlinks objects data block",
"'RMB' and Esc to Cancel",
"'Shift' to snap offset",
"'Mouse Wheel' Increase/Decrease Count"
for index, l in enumerate(lines):
text = l
blf.position(font_id, (width/2) - 200, (height/2 -200) + 20 * index, 0)
blf.draw(font_id, text)
def RA_draw_B(self, context, prefs):
height = bpy.context.region.height
width = bpy.context.region.width
CO = bpy.context.object
vertices = (
(width/2 - 80 , height/2 - 215),(width/2 + 80, height/2 - 215),
(width/2 - 90, height/2 - 233),( width/2 + 90, height/2 - 233) )
indices = (
(0, 1, 2), (2, 1, 3))
shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('2D_UNIFORM_COLOR')
batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRIS', {"pos": vertices}, indices=indices)
shader.uniform_float("color", (0.8,0.4,0.0,1))
vertices = (
(width/2 - 216 , height/2 - 234),(width/2 + 206, height/2 - 234),
(width/2 - 220, height/2 - 254),( width/2 + 200, height/2 - 254) )
indices = (
(0, 1, 2), (2, 1, 3))
shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('2D_UNIFORM_COLOR')
batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRIS', {"pos": vertices}, indices=indices)
shader.uniform_float("color", (0.15,0.15,0.15,1))
vertices = (
(width/2 - 96 , height/2 - 253),(width/2 + 96, height/2 - 253),
(width/2 - 86, height/2 - 274),( width/2 + 86, height/2 - 274) )
indices = (
(0, 1, 2), (2, 1, 3))
shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('2D_UNIFORM_COLOR')
batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRIS', {"pos": vertices}, indices=indices)
shader.uniform_float("color", (0.15,0.15,0.15,1))