1 changed files with 0 additions and 367 deletions
@ -1,367 +0,0 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
<!-- --> |
<!-- |
This is the customer default configuration file for ship structure view navigator. |
The xml file define the structure hierarchy to be shown in the navigator. |
The top element "View" define the overall content of the navigator. |
The following table describes the use of each sub elements of "View" element. |
"node" Define levels of the navigator and what data is included in the level. |
"contextMenu" Define context menu item list for each node (and its child nodes). |
"assignRules" Define assign rules for ship part node to be reassigned. |
"partRuleItem" Define part rule item. A part rule item contain 5 attributes: |
1. System type of referenced part |
2. Context attribute of referenced part |
3. By Part Attribute |
For instance, byPartAttribute="SAW_SECTION_BLOCK=*" to find all parts with attribute tile but ignore the value, |
byPartAttribute="SAW_SECTION_BLOCK=69" to find all parts with attribute and specific value. |
Attribute value is string type only in ship. |
4. By Part Name |
For instance, byPartName="*Fr61*" means to find parts with name contains Fr61. |
This will help collect all structures on such frame. |
5. Container node ID |
It is used to define the target container node to collect all part nodes which represent parts have the matched name or matched attributes. |
System type attribute (SAW_NAME) and context attribute (SAW_SUB_NAME) are assigned to the bodies of referenced part when creating ship features. |
Please refer to nxship/data/NX_ShipAttribute.xml for valid Sysetm types (featureTitle) and Context attributes. |
"primaryView" Define the information of primary view window in this navigator. |
"column" Define the information to be displayed in the columns of the navigator for ship data. |
1. The application attribute value in column can be "Basic Design" and "Detail Design". |
2. If the value is equal to "Basic Design", then the column is only visible in Ship Basic Design application. |
3. If the value is equal to "Detail Design", then the column is only visible in Ship Detail Design application. |
4. If no application attribute provided, the column is visible in all application. |
--> |
<view name="Ship Structures" nodeId="SSN_ShipStructures" icon="nx_ship_generic" expand="true" defaultNavigator="true" modifiable="false"> |
<node name="Basic Design" nodeId="BasicDesign" icon="nx_ship_generic" expand="true" modifiable="true" application="Basic Design"> |
<contextMenu> |
<!-- standard actions --> |
<!-- system will provide following standard actions. --> |
<!-- the key words below are reserved for system: --> |
<!-- CreateHull: Pop up basic design Hull UI --> |
<!-- CreateDeck: Pop up basic design Deck UI --> |
<!-- CreateTransverseBulkhead: Pop up basic design Transverse Bulkhead UI --> |
<!-- CreateLongitudinalBulkhead: Pop up basic design Longitudinal Bulkhead UI --> |
<!-- CreateStiffenerSystem: Pop up basic design stiffener system UI --> |
<!-- CreateEdgeReinforcementSystem: Pop up basic design Edge Reinforcement system UI --> |
<!-- CreatePillarSystem: Pop up basic design Pillar system UI --> |
<!-- CreateSeam: Pop up basic design Seam UI --> |
<!-- DeleteSeam: Pop up basic design Delete Seam UI --> |
<!-- EditStock: Pop up basic design Edit Stock UI --> |
<!-- EditContextAttributes: Pop up basic design Edit Context Attributes UI --> |
<!-- CalculateWeightAndCOG: Pop up basic design Weight and COG UI --> |
<!-- TransitionParts: Pop up basic design Transition UI --> |
<!-- CopyBasicDesignObjects: Pop up basic design Copy Basic Design Objects UI --> |
<!-- CAEPrepation: Pop up basic design CAE Prep UI --> |
<!-- MaterialEstimate: Pop up basic design Material Estimate UI --> |
<!-- CreatePlate: Pop up detail design Plate UI --> |
<!-- CreatePillar: Pop up detail design Pillar UI --> |
<!-- CreateStiffener: Pop up detail design Stiffener UI --> |
<!-- CreatePlateChamfer: Pop up detail design Plate Chamfer UI --> |
<!-- CreateEndCut: Pop up detail design End Cut UI --> |
<!-- CreateCornerCut: Pop up detail design Corner Cut UI --> |
<!-- CreateAlongGuideCut: Pop up detail design Along Guide Cut UI --> |
<!-- CreateEdgeCut: Pop up detail design Edge Cut UI --> |
<!-- CreateSteelInsulation: Pop up detail design Steel Insulation UI --> |
<!-- ConvertToSheetMetal: Pop up detail design Convert to Sheet Metal UI --> |
<!-- CreateFlange: Pop up detail design Flange UI --> |
<!-- CreateClosedCorner: Pop up detail design Closed Corner UI --> |
<!-- CopyDetailDesignObjects: Pop up detail design Copy Detail Design Objects UI --> |
<!-- SplitShipStructure: Pop up detail design Stiffener Split Ship Structure UI --> |
<!-- RemoveSplit: Pop up detail design Remove Split UI --> |
<!-- ProfileTransition: Pop up detail design Profile Transition UI --> |
<!-- CreateProfileCutout: Pop up basic/detail design Profile Cutout UI --> |
<!-- CreateStandardPart: Pop up basic/detail design standard part UI --> |
<!-- CreateBracket: Pop up basic/detail design Bracket UI --> |
<!-- CreateCollarPlate: Pop up basic/detail design Collar Plate UI --> |
<!-- CreateCutout: Pop up basic/detail design Cutout UI --> |
<!-- CreateBreakdown: Pop up Spatial Breakdown UI with type Breakdown --> |
<!-- SetContainer: Pop up basic/detail design Ship Container UI --> |
<!-- MirrorShipStructure: Pop up basic/detail design Mirror Ship structure UI --> |
<!-- ExamineSteelFeatures: Pop up basic/detail design Examine Steel Features UI --> |
<!-- AddNode: Pop up Node definition UI --> |
<!-- EditNode: Pop up Node definition UI with information on this node--> |
<!-- DeletetNode: Delete selected node not delete underline ship data--> |
<!-- SetActiveNode: Set selected node as active node --> |
<!-- CopyNode: Put the ship data node on the clipboard to allow |
you to paste it within another structure node. --> |
<!-- PasteNode: Add the ship data node that is on the clipboard to |
this node in the hierarchy. --> |
<!-- |
<item name="Create Ship Deck..." function="CreateDeck@Standard"/> |
--> |
<!-- customizable actions can be defined using following format: --> |
<!-- CustomerAPIName@CustomerLibraryName --> |
<!-- CustomerAPIName: defines c++ extern/exported API method name --> |
<!-- CustomerLibraryName: customer library name, for instance, libCCS.dll --> |
<!-- |
<item name="Do customer action 1..." function="CustomerAPIName1@CustomerLibraryName"/> |
<item name="Do customer action 2..." function="CustomerAPIName2@CustomerLibraryName"/> |
--> |
<item name="Add Node..." function="AddNode@Standard" defaultName="New" /> |
<item name="Edit Node..." function="EditNode@Standard"/> |
<item name="Delete Node..." function="DeleteNode@Standard"/> |
<item name="Copy Node..." function="CopyNode@Standard"/> |
<item name="Cut Node..." function="CutNode@Standard"/> |
<item name="Paste Node..." function="PasteNode@Standard"/> |
<item name="Set Active Node..." function="SetActiveNode@Standard"/> |
</contextMenu> |
<node name="Hull" nodeId="BD_Hull" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Transverse Systems" nodeId="BD_TransverseSystems" expand="false" modifiable="true"> |
<node name="Transverse Bulkheads" nodeId="BD_TransverseBulkheads" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Transverse Girders" nodeId="BD_TransverseGirders" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Transverse Plates" nodeId="BD_TransversePlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Web Frames" nodeId="BD_WebFrames" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Corrugated Plates" nodeId="BD_CorrugatedPlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Foundations" nodeId="BD_Foundations" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Swashes" nodeId="BD_Swashes" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Transverse Stools" nodeId="BD_TransverseStools" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
</node> |
<node name="Longitudinal Systems" nodeId="BD_LongitudinalSystems" expand="false" modifiable="true"> |
<node name="Longitudinal Bulkheads" nodeId="BD_LongitudinalBulkheads" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Longitudinal Plates" nodeId="BD_LongitudinalPlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Longitudinal Girders" nodeId="BD_LongitudinalGirders" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Longitudinal Strengthes" nodeId="BD_LongitudinalStrengthes" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
</node> |
<node name="Horizontal Systems" nodeId="BD_HorizontalSystems" expand="false" modifiable="true"> |
<node name="Decks" nodeId="BD_Decks" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Horizontal Plates" nodeId="BD_HorizontalPlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Platforms" nodeId="BD_Platforms" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Flats" nodeId="BD_Flats" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Horizontal Girders" nodeId="BD_HorizontalGirders" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Tank Tops" nodeId="BD_TankTops" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Horizontal Stools" nodeId="BD_HorizontalStools" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Gratings" nodeId="BD_Gratings" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
</node> |
<node name="Generic Systems" nodeId="BD_GenericSystems" expand="false" modifiable="true"> |
<node name="Generic Plate Systems" nodeId="BD_GenericPlateSystems" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Superstructures" nodeId="BD_Superstructures" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Stack" nodeId="BD_Stacks" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Hawse Pipes" nodeId="BD_HawsePipes" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Chain Lockers" nodeId="BD_ChainLockers" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Fairwaters" nodeId="BD_Fairwaters" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
</node> |
</node> |
<node name="Detail Design" nodeId="DetailDesign" icon="nx_ship_generic" expand="true" modifiable="true" application="Detail Design"> |
<contextMenu> |
<item name="Add Node..." function="AddNode@Standard" defaultName="New" /> |
<item name="Edit Node..." function="EditNode@Standard"/> |
<item name="Delete Node..." function="DeleteNode@Standard"/> |
<item name="Copy Node..." function="CopyNode@Standard"/> |
<item name="Cut Node..." function="CutNode@Standard"/> |
<item name="Paste Node..." function="PasteNode@Standard"/> |
<item name="Set Active Node..." function="SetActiveNode@Standard"/> |
</contextMenu> |
<node name="BLK-83" nodeId="DD_BLK-83" expand="true" modifiable="true"> |
<node name="Plates" nodeId="DD_Plates" expand="true" modifiable="true"> |
<node name="Hull Plates" nodeId="DD_HullPlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Transverse Plates" nodeId="DD_TransversePlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"> |
<node name="Transverse Bulkheads" nodeId="DD_TransverseBulkheads" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Transverse Girders" nodeId="DD_TransverseGirders" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Transverse Plates" nodeId="DD_TransversePlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Web Frames" nodeId="DD_WebFrames" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Corrugated Plates" nodeId="DD_CorrugatedPlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Foundations" nodeId="DD_Foundations" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Swashes" nodeId="DD_Swashes" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Transverse Stools" nodeId="DD_TransverseStools" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
</node> |
<node name="Longitudinal Plates" nodeId="DD_LongitudinalPlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"> |
<node name="Longitudinal Bulkheads" nodeId="DD_LongitudinalBulkheads" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Longitudinal Plates" nodeId="DD_LongitudinalPlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Longitudinal Girders" nodeId="DD_LongitudinalGirders" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Longitudinal Strengthes" nodeId="DD_LongitudinalStrengthes" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
</node> |
<node name="Horizontal Plates" nodeId="DD_HorizontalPlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"> |
<node name="Decks" nodeId="DD_Decks" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Horizontal Plates" nodeId="DD_HorizontalPlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Platforms" nodeId="DD_Platforms" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Flats" nodeId="DD_Flats" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Horizontal Girders" nodeId="DD_HorizontalGirders" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Tank Tops" nodeId="DD_TankTops" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Horizontal Stools" nodeId="DD_HorizontalStools" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Gratings" nodeId="DD_Gratings" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
</node> |
<node name="Generic Plates" nodeId="DD_GenericPlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"> |
<node name="Generic Plate Systems" nodeId="DD_GenericPlateSystems" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Superstructures" nodeId="DD_Superstructures" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Stacks" nodeId="DD_Stacks" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Hawse Pipes" nodeId="DD_HawsePipes" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Chain Lockers" nodeId="DD_ChainLockers" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Fairwaters" nodeId="DD_Fairwaters" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
</node> |
<node name="Brackets" nodeId="DD_Brackets" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Collar Plates" nodeId="DD_CollarPlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
</node> |
<node name="Stiffeners" nodeId="DD_Stiffeners" expand="false" modifiable="true"> |
<node name="Stiffener Systems" nodeId="DD_StiffenerSystems" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Longitudinals" nodeId="DD_Longitudinals" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Longitudinal Strengthes" nodeId="DD_Stiffener_LongitudinalStrengthes" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Transverses" nodeId="DD_Transverses" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Verticals" nodeId="DD_Verticals" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Foundations" nodeId="DD_Stiffener_Foundations" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Headers" nodeId="DD_Headers" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Corner Supports" nodeId="DD_CornerSupports" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Bummers" nodeId="DD_Bummers" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
</node> |
<node name="Edge Reinforcements" nodeId="DD_EdgeReinforcements" expand="false" modifiable="true"> |
<node name="Edge Reinforcement Systems" nodeId="DD_EdgeReinforcementSystems" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Face Plates" nodeId="DD_FacePlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Flange Plates" nodeId="DD_FlangePlates" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Coamings" nodeId="DD_Coamings" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
<node name="Splash Guards" nodeId="DD_SplashGuards" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
</node> |
<node name="Pillars" nodeId="DD_Pillars" expand="false" modifiable="true"/> |
</node> |
</node> |
<node name="Breakdown Structures" nodeId="SpatialBreakdown" expand="false" icon="connection" modifiable="false" application="General Arrangement" BreakdownType="None;Tank;Compartment" BreakdownSubType="None;fuel oil,waste water,ballast water,marine diesel oil;Watertight Compartment,Free Flood Compartment,Buoyant Bodies"> |
<contextMenu> |
<item function="CreateBreakdown@Standard" name="Add Breakdown"/> |
<item function="CreateVolume@Standard" name="Add Volume"/> |
<item function="EditNode@Standard" name="Edit Node..."/> |
<item function="CutNode@Standard" name="Cut Node..."/> |
<item function="CopyNode@Standard" name="Copy Node..."/> |
<item function="PasteNode@Standard" name="Paste Node..."/> |
<item function="DeleteNode@Standard" name="Delete Node..."/> |
<item function="SetActiveNode@Standard" name="Set Active Node..."/> |
<item function="CreatePhysicalCompartment@Standard" name="Physical Compartment..."/> |
</contextMenu> |
<node expand="true" icon="folder" modifiable="true" name="Tanks" nodeId="BS_Tanks"> |
<node BreakdownSubType="waste water" BreakdownType="Tank" color="" draggable="true" expand="true" icon="folder" modifiable="true" name="WasteWaterTank" nodeId="Node_WWTank"> |
<node BreakdownSubType="waste water" BreakdownType="Tank" color="" draggable="true" expand="true" icon="folder" modifiable="true" name="Purpose 1" nodeId="Node_WWTank_P1"/> |
</node> |
</node> |
<node expand="true" icon="folder" modifiable="true" name="Compartments" nodeId="BS_Compartments"/> |
</node> |
<assignRules> |
<!-- Define the mapping rules to automatically assign node with specific attribute to the destination container --> |
<!-- For instance, if a plate system with system type attribute, SAW_NAME=Hull, when assigning node per rule, it will be moved to the container with containerNodeId=SSN_MainStructures_ExternalHull--> |
<!-- ********************************************* Basic Design Assign Rule ************************************************** --> |
<!-- define the rule to gather hull --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Hull" containerNodeId="BD_Hull"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the transverse plate systems --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="TransverseBulkhead" contextAttribute="Transverse Bulkhead" containerNodeId="BD_TransverseBulkheads"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="TransverseBulkhead" contextAttribute="Transverse Girder" containerNodeId="BD_TransverseGirders"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="TransverseBulkhead" contextAttribute="Transverse Plate" containerNodeId="BD_TransversePlates"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="TransverseBulkhead" contextAttribute="Web Frame" containerNodeId="BD_WebFrames"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="TransverseBulkhead" contextAttribute="Corrugated" containerNodeId="BD_CorrugatedPlates"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="TransverseBulkhead" contextAttribute="Foundation" containerNodeId="BD_Foundations"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="TransverseBulkhead" contextAttribute="Swash" containerNodeId="BD_Swashes"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="TransverseBulkhead" contextAttribute="Stool" containerNodeId="BD_TransverseStools"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="TransverseBulkhead" containerNodeId="BD_TransverseSystems"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the longitudinal plate systems --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="LongitudinalBulkhead" contextAttribute="Longitudinal Bulkhead" containerNodeId="BD_LongitudinalBulkheads"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="LongitudinalBulkhead" contextAttribute="Longitudinal Plate" containerNodeId="BD_LongitudinalPlates"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="LongitudinalBulkhead" contextAttribute="Longitudinal Girder" containerNodeId="BD_LongitudinalGirders"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="LongitudinalBulkhead" contextAttribute="Longitudinal Strength" containerNodeId="BD_LongitudinalStrengthes"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="LongitudinalBulkhead" containerNodeId="BD_LongitudinalSystems"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the horizontal plate systems --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Deck" contextAttribute="Deck" containerNodeId="BD_Decks"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Deck" contextAttribute="Horizontal Plate" containerNodeId="BD_HorizontalPlates"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Deck" contextAttribute="Platform" containerNodeId="BD_Platforms"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Deck" contextAttribute="Flat" containerNodeId="BD_Flats"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Deck" contextAttribute="Horizontal Girder" containerNodeId="BD_HorizontalGirders"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Deck" contextAttribute="Tank Top" containerNodeId="BD_TankTops"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Deck" contextAttribute="Stool" containerNodeId="BD_HorizontalStools"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Deck" contextAttribute="Grating" containerNodeId="BD_Gratings"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Deck" containerNodeId="BD_HorizontalSystems"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the generic plate systems --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="GenericPlateSystem" contextAttribute="Generic Plate System" containerNodeId="BD_GenericPlateSystems"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="GenericPlateSystem" contextAttribute="Superstructure" containerNodeId="BD_Superstructures"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="GenericPlateSystem" contextAttribute="Stack" containerNodeId="BD_Stacks"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="GenericPlateSystem" contextAttribute="Hawse Pipe" containerNodeId="BD_HawsePipes"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="GenericPlateSystem" contextAttribute="Chain Locker" containerNodeId="BD_ChainLockers"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="GenericPlateSystem" contextAttribute="Fairwater" containerNodeId="BD_Fairwaters"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="GenericPlateSystem" containerNodeId="BD_GenericSystems"/> |
<!-- ********************************************* Basic Design Assign Rule ************************************************** --> |
<!-- ********************************************* Detail Design Assign Rule ************************************************** --> |
<!-- the rules concerning gathering detail design profiles --> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the detail profiles --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Stiffener System*" containerNodeId="DD_StiffenerSystems"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Longitudinal*" containerNodeId="DD_Longitudinals"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Longitudinal Strength*" containerNodeId="DD_Stiffener_LongitudinalStrengthes"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Transverse*" containerNodeId="DD_Transverses"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Vertical*" containerNodeId="DD_Verticals"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Foundation*" containerNodeId="DD_Stiffener_Foundations"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Header*" containerNodeId="DD_Headers"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Corner Support*" containerNodeId="DD_CornerSupports"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Bummer*" containerNodeId="DD_Bummers"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the detail edge reinforcements --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Edge Reinforcement System*" containerNodeId="DD_EdgeReinforcementSystems"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Face Plate*" containerNodeId="DD_FacePlates"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*BummFlange Plateer*" containerNodeId="DD_FlangePlates"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Coaming*" containerNodeId="DD_Coamings"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Splash Guard*" containerNodeId="DD_SplashGuards"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the detail pillars --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Profile" byPartName="*Pillar*" containerNodeId="DD_Pillars"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the profile of plate stock --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartAttribute = "SAW_SUB_NAME = Profile" byPartName = "*-on-*" containerNodeId="DD_EdgeReinforcementSystems"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartAttribute = "SAW_SUB_NAME = Profile" containerNodeId="DD_StiffenerSystems"/> |
<!-- the rules concerning gathering detail design plates --> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the detail plates of hull --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName = "*Hull*" containerNodeId="DD_HullPlates"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the transverse detail plates --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Transverse Bulkhead*" containerNodeId="DD_TransversePlates"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Transverse Girder*" containerNodeId="DD_TransverseGirders"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Transverse Plate*" containerNodeId="DD_TransversePlates"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Web Frame*" containerNodeId="DD_WebFrames"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Corrugated*" containerNodeId="DD_CorrugatedPlates"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Foundation*" containerNodeId="DD_Foundations"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Swash*" containerNodeId="DD_Swashes"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Stool*" byPartAttribute = "SAW_NAME = TransverseBulkhead" containerNodeId="DD_TransverseStools"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the longitudinal detail plates --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Longitudinal Bulkhead*" containerNodeId="DD_LongitudinalBulkheads"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Longitudinal Plate*" containerNodeId="DD_LongitudinalPlates"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Longitudinal Girder*" containerNodeId="DD_LongitudinalGirders"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Longitudinal Strength*" containerNodeId="DD_LongitudinalStrengthes"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the horizontal detail plates --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Deck*" containerNodeId="DD_Decks"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Horizontal Plate*" containerNodeId="DD_HorizontalPlates"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Platform*" containerNodeId="DD_Platforms"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Flat*" containerNodeId="DD_Flats"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Horizontal Girder*" containerNodeId="DD_HorizontalGirders"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Tank Top*" containerNodeId="DD_TankTops"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Stool*" byPartAttribute = "SAW_NAME = Deck" containerNodeId="DD_HorizontalStools"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Grating*" containerNodeId="DD_Gratings"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the generic detail plates --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Generic Plate System*" containerNodeId="DD_GenericPlateSystems"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Superstructure*" containerNodeId="DD_Superstructures"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Stack*" containerNodeId="DD_Stacks"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Hawse Pipe*" containerNodeId="DD_HawsePipes"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Chain Locker*" containerNodeId="DD_ChainLockers"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" byPartName="*Fairwater*" containerNodeId="DD_Fairwaters"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the standard part plates --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Bracket" byPartName="*Bracket*" containerNodeId="DD_Brackets"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Standard Part Bracket" byPartName="*Bracket*" containerNodeId="DD_Brackets"/> |
<partRuleItem systemType="CollarPlate" byPartName="*Collar*" containerNodeId="DD_CollarPlates"/> |
<!-- define the rule to gather all the plates that haven't been classified --> |
<partRuleItem systemType="Plate" containerNodeId="DD_Plates"/> |
<!-- ********************************************* Detail Design Assign Rule ************************************************** --> |
<!-- ********************************************* General Arrangement Assign Rule ************************************************** --> |
<!-- the rules concerning gathering GA rooms --> |
<!-- define the rule to gather the rooms --> |
<partRuleItem byPartAttribute = "RoomSubPurpose = waste water" containerNodeId="Node_WWTank_P1"/> |
<!-- ********************************************* Detail Design Assign Rule ************************************************** --> |
</assignRules> |
<primaryView> |
<column name="Material" attribute="SAW_MATERIAL" visible="true" sortable="false" application="Detail Design"/> |
<column name="Stock" attribute="SAW_SIZE" visible="true" sortable="false" application="Detail Design"/> |
<column name="System Type" attribute="SAW_NAME" visible="true" application="Basic Design"/> |
<column name="Count" attribute="SHIPNAV_PART_COUNT" visible="true" sortable="false"/> |
</primaryView> |
</view> |
Reference in new issue